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Hiking near Haiku

I went on a hike yesterday! Yay! Actually, I went to three different hiking sites. I went with friends from church and school.

The first site was blocked off and had several “no trespassing” signs. We decided not to risk crossing the barrier.

The second site was going to be a jaunt into a forest. At the beginning of the trail, we saw sensitive plants. I was surprised to see them. I thought they would have surely been kept out of Hawaii as a noxious weed. In spite of their awful invasiveness, it was fun to touch them and make their leaves close.

We only got a short way down the trail, and ran into a calf and its mother. The mother looked very concerned, which made us very concerned. We got out of there fast, to avoid being trampled.

The third trail was a bamboo forest. It was cool.

A short way in, there was an open area, with rocks and a stream. We climbed on the rocks a little. I took some time floating leaf boats down various waterways. We also saw some crayfish or shrimp or something.

What a fun day! I’ve got to do more stuff like this…


  1. Lauren

    That looks amazing! What a soul-refreshing day! It’s interesting to think how this is just in your backyard. So cool! 🙂

  2. Kristi

    The bamboo forest looks like so much fun! Thanks for sharing your adventures with the continental U.S.

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