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Hana Day

We decided to take the road to Hana yesterday. We got an early start.

Getting to Hana isn’t really the point of taking the road to Hana. It’s about the journey – the twisty, jungley, breathtaking-viewy journey. Our trip out was fast so we could make a few stops on the way back.

We got some takeout in Hana, then went back to Wai’anapanapa Park. That’s the place with black sand beach.

It's mostly rocks until you get closer to the water.

It’s mostly rocks until you get closer to the water.

We ate quickly because of some really annoying flies. Then we saw the sites. Next to the black sand beach is a little cave. You have to duck down to get inside, but it was worth it. It’s cool.

The cave was dark, and the sun was bright.

The cave was dark, and the sun was bright.

We also walked over to the blow hole area. There are rocks there that sound like they’re breathing or hissing. It was fun to listen to for a while, but then the sun got hot.

Hissing Rocks

Hissing Rocks

On our way back to Kahului, we stopped for ice cream. We also stopped a couple of times to look at interesting sites. My favorite was a swimming hole that I’ve seen before. There is a deep pool of water there. In 2013, I watched people jump off some rocks to the water far below. I was excited to find the same place again.

The girl in the right side of the picture is about to jump into the water.  No one jumped from the higher spot while we were there.

The girl in the right side of the picture is about to jump into the water. No one jumped from the higher spot while we were there.

Back in Kahului, we had some food adventures. We stopped at a candy store for mochi. It’s a doughy candy made out of rice. I like it. The texture is like uncooked bread dough. The flavor is like… sweet, uncooked bread dough. It’s so interesting. We got the kind that had sweet red bean filling.

The filling tastes like sweet beans.  It's not as gross as it sounds.  It's actually pretty good.

The filling tastes like sweet beans. It’s not as gross as it sounds. It’s actually pretty good.

After church choir practice, Denis and I went out to eat. We went to a noodle restaurant. It was fun to watch the cooks at work. I’ve never had a job where I worked in a kitchen like that, but I imagine it’s hard. Lots of movement, and lots of heat. Ugh. But I did appreciate their hard work. It was delicious!

The egg drop soup was the best I've ever had.

The egg drop soup was the best I’ve ever had.

1 Comment

  1. Lauren

    I was right with you on that fabulous adventure until the ‘sweet bread dough’, and then it was a hard pass. That literally seems like a candy that you’d invent if you were stuck on an island.

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