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A Long Way Back

Well, it was another 18 hour travel day. My flight from Dallas to Kahului was delayed from an 11:10am departure to a 9:30pm departure. Yikes!

I called the customer service number, and got rerouted through Honolulu to Maui. It would get me there at 9:30pm instead of 1:30am. That sounded good to me.

But even this Honolulu flight was delayed. The gate area was full of grumpy people. It was a welcome sight when the plane pulled up to the jetway.

It was a BIG plane.

It was a BIG plane.

The flight to Honolulu was nice. It was a new plane, and I had an aisle bulkhead seat. The plane was equipped with personal video screens and a wide range of movies to choose from.

The flight from Honolulu to Maui was not delayed and was incident free, but when we arrived, many of us found that our luggage had not made it. We all filled out forms and will have our luggage delivered tomorrow.

So much line waiting!

So much line waiting!

But of course, the most exciting event of yesterday was seeing Gus. He survived my abscence! Yay! His skin bumps haven’t gone away. Boo!

For once, he was more interested in loving than in food

For once, he was more interested in loving than in food


  1. Carol

    I’d been wondering how far west the travel delays here due to cold and snow would impact folks – looks like nothing more than the usual air travel nonsense (e.g., lost luggage, a few hours late here or there). Congratulations on a successful landing and greeting by Mr. Gus. (What’s with the bumps anyway?) Have a warm and wonderful January in Maui –not envious at all here in negative wind chill B’more

  2. Lauren

    Awww, bumpy Gus is alright!! Hooray!!

    I am so sorry you had a crazy, unpleasant adventure. I’m glad you made it, though. Hopefully your luggage will arrive soon. (Let us know if they rummaged through it. I hope your cookie sheet makes it.)

  3. Diane Wilson

    Glad to have you back on Maui! I also had some issues getting back and didn’t arrive until almost midnight! I thought I would freeze in Chicago. I gave my winter coat to my parents once I was inside of the airport in Iowa. We had to stand sooo very long on the jet bridge in Chicago. The snow/wind/below zero temps were all coming in since it wasn’t sealed. Oh my! Sleep in and enjoy your furball!

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