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Stick Search

I want to do lummi sticks with my choirs. It’s the middle of the year, and practices are difficult. Something fun will be just the thing.

I would need 25 sets of sticks in order to be-stick all the kids. Off to Home Depot! I found some dowels that would do the trick, but they would be around sixty dollars, and they would need to be cut. I decided to go for it anyway.

I loaded fourteen four-foot dowels in a cart and found a guy who said he would cut them. I told him they were for a music class rhythm game. The guy said he wasn’t supposed to cut dowels on the table saw – customers are supposed to use the hand saw to cut them. But he said he was a musician, and was glad to do his part to help. 🙂

As I was checking out, the checker said: “Oh! These are purple-ended dowels?” (the thickness of the dowel is indicated by their color) “These are on sale,” she said. And then she took 70% off the price. Seventy percent! Amazing!


  1. Deborah

    It’s a lummi stick miracle! Good for you. This will be a nice change of pace for the kids and you.

  2. Lauren

    Woo-hoo!!! That could not have gone any better! Let’s hear it for a great Home Depot experience!

    What’s that taco song again? “aaaa gooey taco…?”

    Micro-wave po-ta-toes
    aaa gooey taco! I remembered!

  3. Peggy

    FANTASTIC!! I just love when things like that happen! It’s like winning the lottery!

  4. Kristi

    Oh, lummi sticks! They’re so much fun!

  5. Debbie Fettig

    Well, I’ve never heard of Lummi sticks before you? I was thinking about those wood pieces that do the SNAP (whip sound) in that Christmas song……can’t think of the name of it but can hum it? So, I was wrong, I looked it up. COOL!!! You must video your performance!!! AND what about a 70% discount!!! So GREAT!

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