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Terrible Tears

I spent most of yesterday at school. I was there Saturday, too. I’ve had weekends in the past where it was all wasted time, and I ended up frustrated and angry. This was not one of those times. I got a lot of work done! Praise the Lord!

I needed a tissue during the day and noticed someone had done this:

When people tear up the plastic on a tissue box before the tissues are gone I get irrationally angry. I almost threw the whole box away. Maybe I can just ignore it until there are no more tissues. Maybe I’ll encourage the kids to use them all up. I know! I could stand by the door and offer them one as they come to the room in the morning!


  1. Lauren

    I see what you did there with the title. Clever. 😉

    What could the purpose be of tearing the plastic? Just messing around? Trying to open it on the first go and getting it wrong?

    In any case, congrats on a productive weekend! Woo-hoo!

  2. Carol

    EXCELLENT! (Not the torn plastic part…the getting a ton of work done part.)

    I am happy for you, as I know this was a lurking burden. Perhaps you will find it even easier to have more productive weekends now…even without needing tissues.

  3. Kristi

    Is it really so hard to split the plastic in order to get the first tissue? Somebody must have needed a tissue pretty quickly to mess that up.

    Congrats on a productive weekend! It almost brings me to…. tears.

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