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Acid Mystery

I’ve had an acid stomach more often lately. I have been trying to figure out what might be causing it. I had switched my lunch recently from ham and cheese sandwiches to peanut butter and jelly. I had also switched to a new flavor of coffee.

I stopped drinking that coffee and switched to cheese sandwiches. It seemed to help. Until today. Today I was eating some sugar snap peas, which I got on my last visit to the grocery store. My stomach instantly felt acid.

What? Can peas cause an acid stomach? I might expect tomatoes or oranges to cause an acid stomach, but peas? I will stop eating them and see if that ends the acid…

I ate about half of them before I stopped.

I ate about half of them before I stopped.


  1. Lauren

    Well, that has to be maddening. Especially since groceries are pretty expensive, yes?

    I just took my last pill of omeprazole two-week course. Stupid stomachs. Let’s go to a spa where they serve us milk-based drinks and have specialized hammocks that let you sleep upright.

    What’s in the giant tub?

    • Brad

      The tub has tile adhesive in it. I got it for a Life Skills lesson. Now I don’t know what to do with it.

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