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Muddy Fun

I have been wanting to go on a trail at Iao Valley for a while. It was a trail I took back in 2013 when I was in Maui before. I had re-discovered it when I picked ferns with my class for May Day. Yesterday I finally went.

It was a great day for hiking – cool, breezy, and not raining. The trail is so fun to hike. It’s kind of challenging, but only takes two hours round trip. And the views along the way… so gorgeous!

The trail was quite wet though. LOTS of mud. Not knowing about the mud, I wore my teacher shoes, because they are actually hiking shoes. I tried hard to avoid the mud, but there were some places along the trail where the mud was unavoidable. In some places there was even standing water. By the time I got back, my shoes were covered. At least they didn’t get any water inside, so that’s good.

So of course I forgot to take any pictures of the beautiful scenery. Instead, here’s a picture of my muddy, muddy shoes. I think I’ll wear something else to school today.

I will leave them outside for a while so the mud can dry out.

I will leave them outside for a while so the mud can dry out.

1 Comment

  1. Lauren

    Gloriously muddy! Those shoes are a badge of honor! If they didn’t let any water inside, that’s a pretty good shoe.

    What a soul-restorative day. 🙂

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