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Unusual Spot

On the way to my regular church, I pass the mall, and every Sunday there are signs out that say a church meets in the theater at the mall. In the theater! I’ve wanted to go there for a long time. Yesterday, I finally went.

This is the mall entrance. I couldnt get a picture during the service.  It was packed.

This is the mall entrance. I couldnt get a picture during the service. It was packed.

The service and theology were similar to the last church I visited. The feel was different though. The preacher seemed like a lay person. He talked about Father’s Day. His message wasn’t polished, but it was earnest. I liked it.

The crowd was different, too. They were very vocal, and interacted with one another as if they all knew each other. There was a strong family feeling there.

The service was an hour and fifteen minutes long. Afterward, I stopped at Starbucks.
It was literally on the way out! I got a chai latte. I hadn’t had one of those in ages.


  1. Lauren

    What a great experience! I love that this is something you do. Was it weird being in a theater chair or was is so comfortable you are going to suggest it to all churches? 🙂

    • Brad

      The seat was very comfortable. I was glad this theater didn’t have reclining seats though. I would have been asleep for sure, no matter how exciting the music was.

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