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Pretty Ok Travel

My flights yesterday were mostly uneventful. I couldn’t sleep on my way from Maui to Chicago. I had an aisle seat, so that was good. I got up a LOT. My legs were crampy. I also watched a lot of movies.

The airport in Chicago was COLD. I was shivering. My carry-on bag had no jackets or extra clothing, so I got a blanket. I walked around the airport with the blanket over my shoulders. It felt much better.

It came with the handy velcro carrying straps.

It came with the handy velcro carrying straps.

My flight to Lincoln was like a setup for a joke. The airplane was full of nuns and orthodox Jews. I slept a little on the flight. It seems like I can never sleep on a plane if it’s dark outside, but when it’s light I can sleep. Hmmm…

Now I’m in Seward! Yay! I’m sleeping in this morning! Yay!


  1. Lauren

    Pro tip: Chew a hole in the middle of that blanket (because you have no sharp tools thanks to TSA) and voila’! You’ve got yerself a nifty poncho!

    • Brady Gurganious

      counter point: don’t chew a hole in it for a poncho, use it you normally would use any blanket.

  2. Carol

    “So this nun, rabbi, and Lutheran all enter the same airplane for a long flight. ”

    That’s all I got – take it from there.

    So glad you’re back on the (probably warmer again) terra firma, Brad. Happy home visiting!

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