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Shoehorn Solution

I love long shoehorns. I don’t untie my shoes before I put them on, so using a shoehorn is a necessity. If it’s a short shoehorn, I have to bend over or kneel to use it. But with long shoehorns, I can horn my shoes on with ease.

I didn’t have a long shoehorn when I first moved to Maui. After much hunting, I found one. But it was a little short, so over Christmas, I got longer one in Lincoln. Then, over spring break, I went to IKEA and got another long shoehorn. Then, when she arrived in Maui, my mom gave me a super long shoehorn.

I had all the shoehorns just leaning against the wall. When we went to the mall last Thursday, I found a better place for the shoehorns:

I think it looks like a basket to keep cobras in.

I think it looks like a basket to keep cobras in.

This will keep my front door area neat. It will also be a good container for umbrellas. I need to get some umbrellas.


  1. Lauren

    Quite the collection. Someday you may live in a home constructed entirely of shoehorns! Until then, that basket is the perfect thing!

    Also, that cooler looks like it would make an excellent end table. 😉

  2. Carol

    I was also thinking it appeared as if you have taken up snake charming as a new hobby. Glad to see these are just adorable shoe horns. Nicely done, sir.

  3. Peggy

    I say, I say…What are ‘ya trying to do boy……I say, pay attention to me boy….

    (His voice popped in my head while reading today; may be before your time)

    • Lauren

      I recognize that reference. 😉 Funny!

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