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Container Gardening

There’s a planter at school that I’ve kind of adopted. I change the flowers every once in a while when the old ones get tired looking. I’ve been able to experiment with a few different kinds of annuals.

This time, I’m trying impatiens and ageratum. Pink and blue. There are also some nasturtium plants in the container. I planted the seeds last spring. They’re trailing toward the ground now. I think the round leaves are cool looking, so I left them. If they get too raggedy, I’ll take them out.

It's hard to jam the plants into the little slits.  The roots get damaged and the plants look stressed for a while.

It’s hard to jam the plants into the little slits. The roots get damaged and the plants look stressed for a while.


  1. Lauren

    It looks lovely. Why are they just little slits? Are they soacesto plant seeds or are there plants that usually fit in there? T looks smaller than those strawberry plant containers.

    I like your school layout. Outside stairs!

    • Brad

      The barrel was some sort of project that the kids did a couple of years ago. I don’t know how they made the slits, but they’re pretty narrow. I need to enlarge them somehow.

      Initially, the plants were all herbs. I put flowers in because they’re pretty.
      The barrel is supposed to be a composting system. There were originally worms in it, but I’m pretty sure they’ve all died.

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