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Another Day of Nothing… for Me

It was another uneventful day for me in Kihei. There were wildfires in Lahaina, and strong wind and rain upcountry that caused floods and power outages. In Kihei, there was no rain and no wind. It was even sunny for a little while.

I still had an “emergency” mindset and stayed inside mostly. That was too bad. I could have done some shopping or seen a movie or something.

I did walk to the beach in the morning. I was hoping that the rough waters had thrown some nice shells or something on the beach. What I really wanted to find was a shark tooth. The waves were big, so I was hopeful.

Compare this to the picture in yesterday's post.

Compare this to the picture in yesterday’s post.

I walked up and down the beach, but found nothing.

There were some people in the water. Some were swimming, and some were paddleboarding. I don’t think I would have done that if I were them. There was a brown water advisory: when fresh water runs into the ocean, it brings little bits of things that little fish like. When there are lots of little fish, it brings sharks. Don’t swim in brown water.

There is a paddleboarder in this picture.  He's that little black speck toward the middle.

There is a paddleboarder in this picture. He’s that little black speck toward the middle.


  1. Lauren

    Thank you for explaining brown water. I saw the advisories but didn’t know what they meant. You are wise regarding shark situations.

    Sorry about your boring hurricane. Wait. I’m not sorry. I’m glad you all are safe!

  2. Kristi

    In this case, “uneventful” is good.

    The darkness of the sky and the clouds are definitely ominous.

    How’s Gus doing?

  3. Carol

    Looks like we may have ocean issues greater than what you’ve had to deal with…

    –she who is planning to go to OC for the first time all season next week…maybe…

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