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Pickled What?

Yesterday was mostly a sit-on-the-couch-and-watch-the-Indiana-Jones-marathon kind of day, but I did go for a walk on the beach later in the day. After that, I went to the grocery store.

I was craving pickles, so I went to the pickle aisle. I got bread and butter pickles, but I did look at the sweet pickles for a while. I have always been puzzled by the fact that some pickle jars say “gherkins”, and some just say “pickles”. I decided right there in the pickle aisle, that I would google it and read about it.

As it turns out, gherkins are a kind of cucumber. So gherkin sweet pickles are made from gherkin cucumbers. Other pickles are made from cucumbers of another variety. Mystery solved.

I forgot to look if they were the same price.  That would have been an interesting piece of information, wouldn't it?

I forgot to look if they were the same price. That would have been an interesting piece of information, wouldn’t it?

1 Comment

  1. Lauren

    I will put aside my disgust of sweet pickles to say: Thank you. That is fascinating. I never knew they were a kind of cucumber, I just thought it meant ‘little pickle’.

    Now, back to my disgust: Gross any way you make them.

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