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My Lips are Sealed

I got off my couch yesterday and walked a hiking trail a little! Yay!

I went to a beach-side trail. It was overcast and windy, which was nice. It’s been kind of hot lately.

As I approached one part of the trail, I was greeted by a volunteer who was guarding a Hawaiian Monk Seal. Hawaiian Monk Seals are endemic to Hawaii, and are endangered. The volunteer said a pregnant female had given birth at the beach there, and she and the pup were now hanging out there.

My instructions were to stay away from the seals, because the mom might attack or might abandon the pup. I was also supposed to not tell anyone where it was so that large crowds of people don’t descend on that beach a cause problems for the seals.

So, I won’t tell you where it is, but I did try to take a picture. It’s awful. I mean, you can see the mound of the mother’s body just to the right of center in this picture, but if you didn’t know that’s what it was, you’d think it was a rock.


  1. Lauren

    Clever title!

    How cool that you were actually there for this. Do you think that volunteer hung out there all day? Do they take turns?

    • Brad

      There were three volunteers there actually. They all seemed very excited to be there and to share info about the seals. The one volunteer’s request that I not tell anyone where the seals are was so heartfelt. It was nice to see someone who cared so much.

  2. Kristi

    Ha! Love the title!

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