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Successful Shopping

Yesterday morning I woke to a three-days-after-Christmas miracle! It snowed!

Just a little bit, but it was beautiful!

Just a little bit, but it was beautiful!

Yesterday I spent most of the day in Lincoln. I went shopping with my mom and Beth. Shopping! Yay!

On my list were shorts and calendars. We went to South Lincoln first, visiting Kohl’s and some other stores. I didn’t get shorts, but I did get new food and water dishes for Gus, a sparkly Swarovski ornament, and a cat puzzle. I also got… a calendar! Yay!

We took a break and ate at Chik-fil-a. Mmm…

I had nuggets.  They were delicious!

I had nuggets. They were delicious!

After eating, we went to North Kohl’s. I thought it sounded like North Pole. Ha! I finally found some shorts there. Yay! I only found two pairs in my size. If I was size 40, I would have been able to get a TON of shorts.

We ended the day having dinner together at a restaurant west of town. By the time we got home, it was dark, and COLD outside.


  1. Lauren

    What a fun-filled day with family. I’m glad you had some shopping success!

  2. Michele Steppe

    Yay for snow! Lots of rain here
    Merry Christmas my friend. Miss you!

    • Brad

      Merry Christmas, Michele! I miss you too! I hope you have a great New Year!

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