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A Conversation

We were doing our vocabulary test this past week, and one of the seventh graders said: “Number one sounds like you.”

Question: Taking turns while speaking and listening to another person is a good way to have one of these.
Answer: A conversation

Ha! I’m always coaching them on manners and respect. Today I gave a lecture about how it can be rude to ask someone to share their food with you. Sharing is nice, but it’s not nice to make someone feel obligated to give you some of a tasty treat they brought. I encouraged people who were being asked to share only if they wanted to, but told them they should also have boundaries and be able to politely say “no”.

They of course made a joke out of it as soon as we brought out our food, but I do think they heard what I said. After all, taking turns while listening and speaking is a good way to have a conversation.

1 Comment

  1. Lauren

    ha! Brilliant last paragraph! 🙂

    You are absolutely right that they will remember what you’ve said. I remember joking around about Professor Einspahr and how he wanted us to practice saying uncomfortable things by saying them to a tree. We joked around, but by golly – I am comfortable talking to little boys about their bathroom habits with correct terminology.

    Good for your for turning those kids into nice humans!

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