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A Long, Long Day

Yesterday was Moving Day, and it was a long and exhausting day. Every time I’ve moved, I’ve said: “You know, if I did that again, I wouldn’t do it that way.” Yesterday was no exception.

This time, my mistake was not packing stuff up in boxes. I thought that since I was just moving a little way down the driveway, it wouldn’t matter. It mattered.

And it didn’t help that I had only one day to move and to clean my old apartment. The carpet cleaning guys come today, so I had to be out.

Thankfully, Denis had planned to come for his birthday and celebrate on the beach. Instead, he celebrated by carrying all my stuff down one flight of stairs and up another. His Apple Watch said he went up 86 flights of stairs, and said he worked for fourteen hours. I think I owe him a few dinners.

We still have the lanai plants and the contents of the refrigerator to move this morning, but then Denis can have his birthday.

So... much... stuff...

So… much… stuff…


  1. Lauren

    Denis is the best human in the planet! Happy Birthday, Denis!

    Congratulations for getting most of it moved!

  2. Gretchen

    Every time we move I find myself doing a post-game analysis to determine how to make it easier next time.
    My conclusion (after 10 moves) is this: you can’t. Moving just sucks. (I mean the physical process. Having a new place is fun and exciting!)
    Enjoy your new home!

    • Brad

      That’s so good to hear, especially from a professional mover 😉

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