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Stimulating Shopping

The fun for the day yesterday was shopping! Yay!

But first, a stop for some food at a place I can’t go to on Maui: Chick-fil-a.



After that, it was on to the mall!

The most dangerous place we went into was a store that sells a bunch of Japanese items. They are so gadgety and cute, it makes you want to buy ALL of it!

It is a wonderland!

It is a wonderland!

My worst temptation was in the toy aisle. There were some robots there that child-Brad would have coveted so hard that he would have had to go to confession. I almost got them for the child-Brad that’s still inside of me, but adult-Brad saw they were $10 each, and remembered how much junk he already has littering his house.

Just looking at the picture makes me want them again!

Just looking at the picture makes me want them again!

I did purchase some things, though:

My ratchet belt from Ross was breaking, so I went looking for a new one. I found one almost exactly like it at Macy’s. Nice!

I also got a new charge cable for my phone. The one I use every night was a cheap-o one from the checkout line. I got another cheap-o one.

But the most exciting things I brought home were the plastic bags my purchases came in. There are no plastic bags on Maui. Whenever I want to put my shoes or wet clothes in something, paper bags just don’t do it. These plastic bags will be like gold to me!

I may even wash them after I use them so I can use them again.

I may even wash them after I use them so I can use them again.


  1. Lauren

    Ha! What a fascinating perspective on the bags! You’ll probably get searched when you get back to Maui and they will be confiscated.

    I’m so glad you had such a fun time! Maybe if you think that you DO own those toys, but the store is just storing them for you, would that help?

  2. Debbie

    Wow at the plastic bag deal? We have millions…. and shouldn’t… Good for maui tho for not contaminating the beautiful nature.

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