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Some Shrimp

Today is my half birthday! Woo hoo!

I was craving steamed shrimp with Old Bay seasoning yesterday. It was a bad enough craving I went out to the grocery store after I was already home! I know, right? That’s a serious craving! Usually, “laziness always wins”!

Anyway, I got some shrimp from the frozen section and brought it home, and ate it with Old Bay. It was delicious!

I made too much.

I made too much.


  1. Debbie

    Mmmmm, i love shrimp. Hey, don’t deny, feed your cravings! Did you go to the new old store, or the old store that’s new?

    • Brad

      It was the new old store. Wait… the old new one? …the one that’s new to me, but old. I just got frozen shrimp. I don’t know where to get fresh shrimp around here.

  2. Lauren

    So, you you just dip each bite in Old Bay or sprinkle some over the whole bowl? Now I’m curious to try it, but just one. Shrimp jive me the jibblies.

    • Brad

      I dipped each shrimp as I ate it. It wasn’t the same as getting steamed shrimp that are already covered with Old Bay, but it was close.

  3. Michele

    Happy half birthday!
    There’s no such thing as too much shrimp, just like there’s no such thing as too much bacon!
    Speaking of bacon, I had breakfast at Lost in the 50’s diner this week. Made me think of you. Last time I was there was with you. Miss you my old friend!

    • Brad

      Thanks for the half-birthday wishes, Michele! I miss you too!

  4. Karla

    We watch Bob’s Burgers too!! So much goes over the kids’ heads, but that’s for the best.

    • Brad

      I love Tina! 🙂

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