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Big Orange

Happy Birthday, Beth!  Yay!

When I lived in Baltimore, I was fascinated by tropical hibiscus plants. I dreamed of having several different kinds with flowers of varying colors. When I moved to Maui, suddenly hibiscus plants were everywhere, and sadly, I wasn’t as interested any more. It was a shame, because hibiscus flowers are magnificent.

Recently, I decided I’d look for one specimen… one very special hibiscus that I would grow in a pot on my lanai and enjoy for all it’s exotic wonder.

After a lot of searching, I chose a hibiscus called ‘orange cappuccino’. , It has orange flowers with white centers, which I like, because I’ve really been into orange lately. But to me, the most interesting thing about this hibiscus is that the flowers on a mature plant can be as large as 10 or 11 inches across! That’s huge!

I ordered on a few weeks ago, and just yesterday got my first flower. It’s small, but beautiful.

I was out on my lanai taking my plants back outside, because the guy who was going to re-do my lanai has ghosted me. While I was out there, I decided to post a warning for any visitors that might go on my lanai before I get it fixed:


  1. Lauren

    Beautiful flower! Orange is a magnificent color, and that will go so well with your shirt. 🙂

    Has he really ghosted you? Isn’t this guy employed by the condo association? Maybe he just got lost and is fixing someone else’s lanai.

  2. Deborah

    Happy birthday, Beth!

  3. Debbie

    Love the orange flower and yes, it will go with your new shirt! Hhmmm, looks like you have a new fix it job in your future. Do it! You know you can, you can do anything! Why not? I wish i could help you….

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