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Puakenikeni Break

Happy Birthday to my niece Rachel! Yay!

Yesterday was my usual grading day, but it was also unusual, because I was grading five paragraph essays that the eighth graders wrote. They took FOREVER to grade. Fortunately, I also had a reward for myself for when I finished them: I brought some plants to put in the un-manicured area behind my classroom.

Its a little dry in summer time, but it gets great sun.
The area is clogged with bougainvillea bushes and passion fruit vines.

I was at Walmart on Saturday, and saw puakenikeni trees for sale. I was so excited, because when I was in http://bradaptation.com/2013/05/07/fagraea-berteriana/ Maui in 2013, a student brought me a puakenikeni flower, and ,one hesitates to use superlatives because life is long and the world is big, but I think it is the best-smelling flower I’ve ever met. I bought three. I would love for them all to survive, but if even just one does, I’ll be happy.

I added some potting mix, because the soil is almost all sand.
I added some potting mix, because the soil is almost all sand.


  1. Lauren

    How nice that you may have flowers of your own! You’ll never leave school after drinking in their fragrance! I hope that they trive back there.

    I had to look up your ‘life is short’ quote because it seemed familiar. Dang it, now I feel like I should be doing something cool….. 😉

  2. Debbie

    Very exciting to have your own plants at work! I planted marigolds at my last job…. unlike me, i’m sure they’re still there. Keep us updated! Wish there could be smellablog!

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