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Aloha Friday

Ever since I bought and wore my bright orange aloha shirt, http://bradaptation.com/2019/08/26/colorful-conundrum/ I have been looking for more shirts.

Last weekend, I found a green one at Goodwill and got it. I don’t think I ever would have considered wearing this a month ago, and now, I could hardly wait.

Yesterday was Aloha Friday at school, and I thought for sure people would comment on how crazy my shirt was. No one said anything. They didn’t think it was weird at all!

…or maybe everyone thought it was really weird, but didn’t want to hurt my feelings by saying anything so they just stayed quiet.

Either way, I think I can now wear any kind of aloha shirt I want, and everyone will just accept it! Awesome!

Its so GREEN!
It’s so GREEN!


  1. Kristi

    That one is perfect for St. Patrick’s Day. And Holy Trinity Sunday.

  2. Lauren

    You are living in a magic land! I think Lloyd is going to have to move there. You guys can try and one-up each other with your shirts. 🙂

  3. Debbie

    I love it! And yes, it seems you have been released to go shirt crazy! Do you have purple yet?

  4. Lloyd

    You are living the dream, man.

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