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Ballet Break

We are so blessed at my school to be in walking distance of the performing arts center on Maui.

Yesterday, we walked to a ballet performance. It was really cool, because at first they just did their regular warm-up routine for us while one of the instructors talked us through it.

Next, they had a little fun and brought kids up onto the stage. They had them try to lift the ballerinas. Everybody laughed.

Lastly, they did a dance. The kids got a little confused and thought ballet was like jazz music and that if someone did something cool, you should just start clapping in the middle of the dance. Some of the dancers thought it was cute – they smiled when they heard the clapping. Still, I spoke with my kids after the performance about ballet dance applause protocols.


  1. Lauren

    What an amazing resource! I hope your children realize that not everyone gets to experience that.

    I’m glad the dancers were understanding of the adorableness of children’s enthusiasm. 🙂

  2. Deborah

    That’s so cool!

  3. Debbie

    You can walk to a ballet?! AND get to live in Hawaii! You just do the coolest stuff! Good that you explained the clapping rules. Also good that your kids were so pleased that they felt the need to applaud so often. You are so wonderful to lead them to the arts! I bet somebody wants to be a dancer now!

  4. Debbie

    AND…..i can tell you’ve changed phones, your pics are really sharp and bright! I’m sure you love it! We viewers do!

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