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Full of Frivolity

Yesterday started out early. We drove down to the condo that Lloyd, Lauren, and Samith are staying it, and walked with them from Kam 1 beach to Kam 3 beach. It was adventurous to walk it in the dim morning light with our shoes off, but the morning sky was beautiful.

We saw whales

After having some breakfast at my place, we went to the swap meet. Everybody got a little something. When we were gathering again at the car, Lauren and I took a picture.

Our next stop was Pa’ia for lunch, and for a little walking around. Then Ho’okipa for turtles. Yay turtles!

We were getting tired, so it was time to head home for a nap. But first, a stop at the Maui Friends of the Library bookstore.

After a nap, we went to Sugar Beach to take in the sunset. It was beautiful.

It was also very exciting. We saw a lot of whale activity a short distance from the shore. One of the other on-lookers said it was a baby whale being born.

We also saw a shark come super close to the shore. It wasn’t very big, but it was still pretty nerve-inducing.

We ended our day with a delicious meal and lots of laughs. It was a great birthday!


  1. Deborah

    What an amazing day!

  2. Debbie

    Yes, just amazing, from beginning to end! Yay you!

  3. Lauren

    You should have a 50th birthday m9re often. 🙂

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