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Ba-by Breach Do Do Do-do-do-do

We went whale watching yesterday. We went with the Pacific Whale Foundation, because they’re good to the whales.

Right when we got out to the watching area, a big whale did a breach. I caught a picture of it. Yay!

The whale looks like all those picture of breaching whales I’ve seen. Amazing! Here’s a closeup:

After that first whale, we didn’t see much for a while. I was a little worried it would be an uneventful day, but then we started seeing a mother and baby. And then the baby started breaching.

It was so cute! And it did it again and again and again. We watched them for thirty minutes, and the baby kept breaching the whole time. We eventually left them only because the PWF people said they didn’t want to worry the mother by staying to long.

We watched another baby breaching before we went back to the harbor. When we docked, the cleaning crew descended on the boat. They did a very thorough job.


  1. Lauren

    Ha! “Cleaning crew” – those birds don’t get paid enough. 🙂

    I am so glad you saw activity! How cute that you saw babies up close! Please tell me you took the binoculars. Please lie to me and say you took the binoculars if you didn’t. 😉

  2. Deborah

    That is so cool!

    I have teacher meetings today, so thanks for the song that I will be singing all day long in my head.

  3. Debbie

    Wow, whale watching! Wonderful! I saw opossum the other night! It was staring…. over and over. Wish we had whales…..

    • Peggy

      HAHAHA!! I laughed out loud!

      Excellent Brad!! Wish I could have been there too.

  4. Carol

    That first shot looks like a whale auditioning for the Pacific Life logo. (Humpbacks, right) I loved seeing grey whales off the Oregon coast when I went a few years ago. Ironically, saw none from the boat we paid money to go out to view them – had to go back to the relatives, sit on a bench overlooking the bay – viola! whale! They are mesmerizing. God must have had fun making all those creatures.

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