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Church Visit

I went to visit a different church yesterday morning. It’s an ELCA church in Kihei. I pass by it all the time.

It was interesting. Their service music included some alternate arrangements, including one by Marty Haugen. I did know the hymns, so that was nice.

There were announcements from the national church body about changing procedures because of the corona virus. Everybody was to avoid touching things. No passing of the peace. No common cup at communion. The lady next to me even took the attendance register by holding it with a tissue.

After the service, I spoke with the woman who was sitting in front of me. It turns out she lives at Kihei Villages! Cool! She’s in the building right next to mine! Even more cool! I met a neighbor! For the memory archive, her name is Lana.


  1. Lauren

    How awesome that she is your neighbor! I’d say, “What a coincidence”, but you are literally on an island.

    I didn’t go to church yesterday because I was helping with the phone stuff, but I set up and took down communion. I’m curious if they said anything about interactions with others. Todd wrote a pretty good piece about it – it’s up on Facebook.

  2. Debbie

    Neat that you go to different churches. And then to meet your next door neighbor? that’s a magical island for you. I agree with some non touching situations due to this new virus scare….. it scares me, don’t have good vibes about it all. Just wish it was called the Guinness virus, i really like a cold Corona!

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