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Water Woes

Yesterday was another work day at school. This time, I got all of my paperwork done! (almost) Yay! (almost)

I was just about to leave for the day, and decided to do a water change in my classroom aquarium. I haven’t been as attentive to it since it got a leak and I got tilapia in it. The amount of work was just so intimidating!

Anyway, I did the water change, then noticed that the leak was faster than usual. On closer inspection, I saw that it was leaking super fast. There was no way that the little bucket I had under the leak would last more than a few hours before it over flowed. Dang it. I would have to drain the tank.

An hour and forty-five minutes later, I was done. Ugh. The tank is empty, but it’s still dirty. I’ll have to clean everything, then patch the leak. Then I can refill and restock it. Dang it.

I fly to LA today. I had planned to spend some time there during my spring break. I was going to explore the city. I don’t think that’s going to happen now. But I decided to still go, because if this corona situation gets weirder, I’d rather be staying with someone than being by myself.

Delta Flight #1787 Depart Kahului 12:33pm Arrive LA 8:35pm


  1. Lauren

    Double ugh about the tank! I am so sorry. 🙁

    I am praying for your flight, too. Tell Denis ‘hi’ for me!

  2. Debbie

    Wow, good thing you noticed the leaking before you were leaving! Ahh, the aquarium…. fun to have yet like a whole nother household to take care of sometimes.
    Ooooo, i can’t believe you’re traveling! I understand not wanting to be alone but wow. You need a lysol suit! Hope all goes well.

  3. Rachel S

    So, did you eat the tilapia for dinner – leaky tank and all?

  4. Carol

    God guided you East before all the *&#^@ really hit the fan, didn’t He? (Sorry to say I have not been a good friend – haven’t visited your blog for ages…school and stuff…) I won’t ask any questions here – need to scroll further into the future first – but pray this finds you, Denis, and all you love well and calm.

    Love you…

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