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Smelling Socks

I always used to wear my socks more than once before washing them, but lately, I’ve extended the wearing time. I’m now going a whole week wearing the same socks. I leave them on the floor next to my dresser, and the next morning, I put them on again.

I have inherited a superpower from my Grandpa Hummel. My feet don’t smell like anything. After I’ve worn the same pair of socks for a week, if you’d sniff them, you’d see they smell like laundry. They look kind of dirty on the bottom because of walking around in them, but they smell like Tide and Bounce – even after a week.


  1. Lauren

    That is, indeed, a superpower! The people in my ‘one-bag’ groups would love you. You could pack so light!

  2. Carol

    So are we opening the door to revealing how rarely we all shower these days, too? Or how we rotate 2-3 tops for the longest time, making sure different ones show up in Zoom classes so our students think we’re still hygienic? Or when the last time was we needed to don a foundation undergarment for any reason?! (Well, okay, maybe not you guys…)

    While I congratulate you on your “super power”, sir, this might be filed under “TMI” for the future…and let’s close the door to ALL that while we’re at it. 😉

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