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Hiking Again

I went hiking yesterday! It’s been a long time. I went with my pastor. We went to an upcountry trail called “poli poli”. It is a trail that goes through woods. It was beautiful!

There are some lilikoi (passionfruit) vines that grow everywhere. They are actually kind of bad weeds to the forest, but they do have beautiful flowers, and they make fruit.

They’re called banana lilikoi because the fruit is long and yellow. We tried one. It was tart and sweet.

The woods were beautiful. Every once in a while, there was a break in the trees. You could see all of the valley.

We were there early enough that we didn’t really see other people, but it is apparently a popular place for parachute gliders. One went right over the top of us.

We did a small loop trail, then went on a longer trail that went above the tree line. It was interesting to see the vegetation change.

We only went up that trail partway, then turned around.

We went to Kula to grab some lunch. There was a jacaranda tree there. I like jacarandas! It was beautiful.

1 Comment

  1. Debbie

    What an awesome day for you! Ohhhhhhh that purple tree!!! You are just on another planet. Huh, weeds with fruit and are pretty? I say again, another planet.

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