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A Dry Creek

The place where Lauren works has had a drainage tube connected to one of the downspouts for a long time. Lloyd wanted to replace it with a dry creek bed. Yesterday, I helped him.

Here is a “before” picture. Lloyd started raking the mulch before I remembered to take the picture.

First, we raked the mulch out of the way, then pulled back the landscape fabric. The hole in the middle is where I moved a day lily out of the way.

Next, we dug a trench for the perforated pipe we were going to use. I thought the digging would take a lot longer than it did.

The new (buried) drainage pipe has holes in it. It is also covered with landscape fabric. Water goes through, but dirt does not.

We put some river rocks over the pipe to hold it in place.

Then we put some other stones in place for artistic effect. Lloyd brought the bigger rocks up from Missouri. They’re really nice ones. I also divided one of the iris clumps so I could fill the empty space in front. Here is the finished product:

And here is a side view:


  1. Lauren

    It is BEAUTIFUL!!!! I can’t believe how hard you guys worked and for SO LONG in the heat and humidity! I can’t thank you enough, and it’s simply beautiful! Thank you for the gift of your time and talents! (…. and sacrificing your skin to the sun…..)

  2. Deborah

    That is SO nice! Way to go!

  3. Debbie

    Wow, what a great job! Drainage projects are really a chore yet can be such a nice landscape focal point!

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