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Birthday Fun

Happy Independence Day! Yay!

Yesterday was my nephew Tim’s birthday. He had some friends over during the day, but in the evening, we had some family celebrations, starting with a visit to the Japanese restaurant. It was fun and delicious!

The party was fun. We all wore Batman masks. We risked some closeness to get a group picture.

In the evening, we did fireworks. I was excited at the firework stands this year. I spent a little money there. My theme was smoke and fountains. Tim helped me light some.

The chatting on the back deck went late into the night. I had to leave before the last chatters were done, but yikes! I was tired!


  1. Lauren

    What a splendid birthday! Your firework selections were just right, and the several fountains at the end were particularly spectacular! Thank you! What a great birthday for Tim!

  2. Deborah

    You did a great job choosing the fireworks! Thanks!

  3. Debbie

    Wow what a great celebration for the new teenager! Love the group shot!

  4. Carol

    Random reflections:
    1. Chefs at those Japanese grills must think the fact that they have to wear a mask while cooking is good news/bad news for them: lean in too far when the flames leap up and…but, then, nobody can see you if you accidentally burn their meal either.
    2. The batman masks were clever – wherever did you find so many identical ones? (I know…stored in the Batcave…). Y’all do know they only covered the eyes, though, right? (Did the restaurant let you in that way? Just wondering…)
    3. So…YOU are one of the ones I’ve been cursing under my breath at night for the last month or so (translate: random fireworks exploders in our area)! Good thing for you that my hearing may not be what it once was – couldn’t hear those all the way from Nebraska.
    4. Happy Independence Day everyone!

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