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Third Time’s a Charm

I painted my kitchen a third time, and this time, it’s right. The first time, the color was wrong. it had a purple tint to it. Purple! Ack! The second time, I got the color right, but when I used semi–gloss (like you’re supposed to in the kitchen), the light from my very bright fixture reflected from the wall and blinded me.

This time, I have the right color, and the right sheen – matte. I’m very happy with how it looks. As a bonus, I think the matte version of “Aging Barrel” is a slightly different color, and I like it better.

Hmm… they don’t look very different in pictures. You’ll just have to believe me. It’s a striking difference.

After having painted so much in the last week, I’ll share some tips: 1) Buy expensive paint. It covers in one coat. 2) Buy expensive brushes and rollers. They wont leave bristle tracks (or bristles) in the paint. The downside: you must wash them at the end instead of throwing them away. 3) If you have to take a break, put the brush in a sandwich bag, and use Glad Press-n-seal to cover the paint cup. The Press-n-seal will also cover an entire roller tray.

If paint drips onto a hard surface, you can leave it. After a day, it will be dry, but flexible. It will pop right off. It’s way more fun that wiping.


  1. Carol

    Love your new subsection, “Life Hacks from Brad”- keep those tips and hints coming! (Like I’m going to paint any time soon – Ha!)

  2. Lauren

    It looks so good with your tile! I love the Life Hacks, too. Someday I will try Expensive Paint, though it will hurt my cheap soul. I’ve also never used an expensive roller, either…. intriguing!

    Do you get to relax a little before school starts up again? ?

  3. Debbie Foelber

    Yeah for new paint. I also have learned that more expensive paint and brushes are worth the price. I found a paint brush and roller cover at Home Depot that allows you to use them over several days without washing them. They worked great for me. Happy painting!

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