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Light Lunch

I don’t know what to eat for lunch at school anymore. I’ve been eating sandwiches. I liked that they were quick to make and quick to eat. But I’m tired of them. We have a snack time, and I’ve always brought peanuts for that. Yesterday I just ate more peanuts for lunch.

After school I was really low on energy though. And hungry. I was craving sushi, so I went to the conveyor belt sushi place – Genki Sushi. It’s not the fanciest sushi place, but I like it. I had a lot of salmon sushi, then some stuffed mushroom caps, then some more salmon. I was full when I was done.


  1. Lauren

    So fancy! That looks like a fun meal and the conveyor belt sounds fascinating! Deborah was telling me that she brought sushi for her parents (the cooked kind).

    I am sorry for your lunch situation. If I had to take my own lunch it would be a similar problem. No one wants to make food. Bleh. Maybe you can convince the sushi people to open a restaurant across the street from school. 🙂

  2. Beth

    I recommend beef sticks and cheese sticks. Cheese sticks of whatever kind, though I like Colby Jack, and I highly recommend Old Wisconsin brand beef sticks. Walmart.com delivers them right to your door…or maybe not your Maui door…

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