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Rain Day

I feel bad for making light of the rain day yesterday. It was record rainfall, and many roads and homes were damaged by the rain. My power was out all night, but many people upcountry didn’t have power all day yesterday. It was a bad storm.

I didn’t go out at all yesterday, because many roads were flooded. All that time inside gave me an opportunity to make cookies. And not just any cookies… I made Christmas cut-out cookies.

The decoration and frosting of these cookies is usually a social event. Since I was doing them by myself, I did something uncharacteristic: I decorated several cookies in an identical way.

After the cookies were made, I did something VERY uncharacteristic: I took some plates of cookies to three different neighbors.

I was so nervous! I almost didn’t do it, but I have wanted to be more friendly with my neighbors, and this seemed like a good way to do it – just a quick interaction, some smiling, and “Merry Christmas”. It got easier with each time. And I’m so glad I did it, even though it was scary.


  1. Deborah

    Good for you! I need to be more neighborly, but it’s scary. 🙂
    Sorry about the scary rain. I hope you have power now.

  2. Lauren

    Those look awesome! How kind and thoughtful of you to take them to others, too!

    I am very glad that you got rain, but I’m sorry that it was so, so much and caused so much trouble. I hope the damage is not too great.

  3. Elaine Royuk

    Beautiful and yummy from Grandma Hummel’s cookie recipe!

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