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Pie Pocket

I have been craving one of those cherry pie pocket things for a while. It’s usually in with the little powdered donuts and the Twinkies and such, but I just haven’t seen them. Until yesterday.

I was getting some groceries, and there was a display there, right next to the lunchmeats. Nice!

It was… disappointing. I remembered the crust as lighter and the filling as more cherry-er. I only ate half of it, because I’m trying to cut down on junk food during this very sedentary period. Calories really have to be worth it, or I just shouldn’t eat them.

In other news, my Maui condo officially closed yesterday, and the money has been transferred into my bank account. It’s the most cash money I’ve ever had at one time. I could get a LOT of cherry pie-pocket things with it.


  1. Lauren

    Yay for Rich Brad! Congrats on the condo closing! I’ll gladly take a fruit pie, but keep the actual fruit – just the jelly, please. 🙂

  2. Kristi

    Money in the account…a very good thing these days. Congrats on the condo!!!!!

  3. Debbie

    I’m always glad when I don’t like something when I think I’m going too…..the less I can like the better……not ever getting any taller I guess.
    BRAVO on the CONDO! How settling for you and congratulations! Look at all the things you’ve done to move over there, move back?? Wow…now you can coast for a while and go on a shopping spree!!! I mean, hold onto those funds there Daddy Warbucks! (I would sure buy something fun though!!!)

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