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Night Time

I have said that I would join our church choir. I missed last week, because I was with the eighth graders, doing their beginning-of-the-year retreat. I was a little nervous about going last night. The rehearsal ends at 9:30, which is so, so late for me.

Then, after school, I saw an email the director sent, saying that rehearsal was canceled. I was so happy! It was a gift of unexpected free time – the best kind of gift!

I went home early, stopped at a hole-in-the-wall diner that makes amazing burgers, and ate while sitting in front of the tv.

Then I went to bed early.


  1. Lauren

    Oh, that looks delicious and relaxing!

    If it ends at 9:30, when does it start?? Deborah is in choir, but I think it’s from 7-8, which seems more reasonable.

  2. Deborah

    9:30?! What?! That is way too late. Choir here is from 7-8, and that is pushing it for me.
    Glad you had a free night.

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