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Wall Worries

A month ago, there was an earthquake that lasted a while and everyone felt. A few days afterward, when I was in my back yard, I saw some cracks in the cement block wall between my yard and my neighbor’s. I think they were new.

This past Thursday, there was another earthquake. I didn’t feel this one, because I was driving to school. It think there are new cracks in the wall.

I called a masonry place, and the guy was supposed to come yesterday afternoon, but he didn’t. I’m hoping he will still come. I have such a hard time calling and meeting up with skilled tradespeople.


  1. Lauren

    Ugh. That sucks. I am so sorry!

  2. Carol

    I’m a little disappointed to think that masonry workers in earthquake-prone areas don’t have special grout (?) they can use to add flexibility to bricks or cinder blocks for instance such as this…or it exists but whoever built that wall didn’t use it? Anywho, hoping he has arrived by now and can tell you what to do to properly address this. (BTW, tradesmen seem to be in such demand these days it is not unusual to have them not show up for appointments, probably because they are on 2-3 other appointments then. It’s nothing personal. 😉 )

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