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Delightful Day

I had adventures yesterday! Yay!

I wanted to go on a drive somewhere. I decided to go to a really big IKEA in Burbank, north of LA, and WAY north of where I live. In the map below, I was the blue dot at the top, and my house is halfway between Torrance and Carson at the bottom.

The IKEA was indeed huge, and it was in a beautiful location at the foot of some hills.

I walked the whole place. Whew! The most interesting thing I saw was a “focus workstation”. How fascinating that this is what we’ve come to:

My ultimate goal was finding this:

Woo hoo! I was so excited. It matches one I already had to hold my Invisalign teeth tray packets. I have half of them so far, and my first box was full. I wanted a matching box to hold the rest:

While I was was up north, I searched for garden centers. I did visit some Armstrong garden centers, which is a wonderful chain store here, but I also visited a local nursery.

It was fantastic. Among other things, they had a whole building full of giant, old, and expensive houseplants:

The drive back was a bit traffic-y, but it was fun to see areas I’d never seen before. I always say that as I get older, seeing new places and experiencing new things become more and more precious to me.

1 Comment

  1. Lauren

    Ha! That workstation is the modern ‘desk corral’ of the Iowa Basic Test days. (I might need it. Also a seatbelt for the chair.) I envy your IKEA trip! Your statement about new experiences is well-said and resonates with me. I need to have some of those.

    Enjoy your bin!

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