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Harry Potter (No Spoilers)

There are no spoilers in this post or in its links.

Well, despite the internet’s best efforts, and the mockery from my friends, I was able to read Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows without knowing anything about the ending.

It was an easy book to read because it was very fast moving. I think there was as much action in this book as there was in all the previous books combined. But I’m glad to be done, because I was in voluntary seclusion and would not read anything on the internet or watch any regular TV. I was afraid someone would give something away.

Yes, yes, I know: It’s not a great work of literary genius. J. K. Rowling is no John Updike. But it’s a fun story. I have enjoyed the books, and I enjoy knowing about them as I talk with my students. And I will not be telling anyone how it ends. 🙂

The end.


  1. Peggy

    So did you like the ending?

  2. Karla

    Is the ending posted on Wikipedia correct? I really don’t have time to read that much.

  3. Brad


    “No spoilers” I said. You won’t trick me into revealing anything here. 🙂

    • Peggy

      All I’m looking for is a “yes” or “no” answer …

  4. Beth

    You can tell me…I won’t ever read them anyway… But you can tell me on the phone – no spoilers here!

  5. Lauren

    Mockery?!? MOCKERY?!?! That was high-class humor, buddy. Well.. maybe it was a little mockery. 🙂 I’m glad you finally read it! Now we can get on with life.

  6. Lloyd

    So, I’ve been reading this site instead of the book. How close is it?

    • Brad

      That’s so long! Why not just read the book? It’s pretty accurate, so don’t read it if you want to avoid spoilers!

      • Lloyd

        The whole point was to avoid reading the book. I just needed someone to tell me if it was akret.

  7. Annette

    The best 20 bucks my 17 year old has spent. Oh yeah, and the best two days of the summer too! Something to stimulate his dendrytes (sp?) and relieve his fingers from relaying all over the keyboard 24/7…

    • Lauren

      Have him loan it to me, then it will be the best 20 bucks I’ve ever had him spend.

  8. Peggy


    bye >:> b 😀 c :} d >;> e B:) f :7
    g :'( h :@

    (sorry Brad—this is a test)

  9. Peggy

    gg >:->

  10. Peggy

    Dang it Lloyd … help with the cute and not so cute faces, will ya?

  11. Lloyd

    Does this help?

    🙂 🙂 🙂 😀 😀 😀 🙁 🙁 🙁
    😮 😮 😮 😯 😯 😯 😕 😕 😕
    8) 😎 😎 😡 😡 😡 😛 😛 😛
    😐 😐 😐 😉 😉 😉 😆 😳
    😥 👿 😈 🙄 ❗ ❓
    💡 ➡ :mrgreen:

    • Peggy

      Brad, write down how he did these, would you, could you, will you ?

  12. Peggy

    80 😯 😡 😡

  13. Peggy


  14. Peggy

    😀 😀

  15. Peggy

    FJFJF 😯

  16. Peggy

    BYE 😯

  17. BethMarshall

    Just finished the book tonight and managed to avoid hearing the ending while travelling, working around tons of folks here at the KC Fringe and being with plenty of kids – it was miracle.

    All I can say is- sign me up for Hogwarts because it is THE perfect school for me 🙂

  18. Lauren

    Hellooooooooo?? (Or should I say ‘Hallo’?) Why are you posting so late? I’m going to work and didn’t get my fix. Are you dead? Don’t answer that if you are. That would be creepy.

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