When I was at Lloyd and Lauren’s for Christmas, I put together a little window sill garden. It was made from melamine mugs. The plant material was succulent cuttings we had grown over a couple of years. I threw them away. They were leggy. Leggy is not a good look for plants. In their place, I got a few haworthia plants. These are really tough and don’t need as much light as other succulents. And they don’t get leggy.
I cleaned out the old pots. I was surprised to find an ant colony in one of them, complete with ant babies. I killed them. Then I potted up the new plants. I left the jade plant, because it was a cutting from Lauren’s mom. Plants with sentimental value are often worth saving.
Behold the new arrangement:
Is ANYone shocked or even mildly surprised by the cavalier way you typed, “I found (insect species) babies…I killed them”?? Kinda goes with the lagamorphic theme, doesn’t it? Do you ever get to the breaking point with colleagues or, oh, I dunno, principals? Should I be warning anyone back home here?!?!
Lovely bright colored mugs, by the way. Would have made nice permanent homes for young adolescent ants, I am sure…if there were any…that had been allowed to live…
We have new plants on our windowsill?
Did you make sure to take pictures of the neighbors through their bathroom window this time, too?
What do you mean by leggy? What do you mean by succulent? I would love to have this colorful arrangement in my window sill! I have an evergreen on mine now, & it looks out of season. Whoever added the rocks, they rock!!
Fabulously REtro!