Welcome to Brad's online memory archives.

Cutting Garden

I’m finished with my Nebraska gardens at Lloyd and Lauren’s for this year. My challenge was to get more color in the cutting garden. This garden has something in bloom all season, but without enough flowers, the plot can look weedy. I’m sure I’ll add more blooms as I continue working with it.

My added color this year was from foliage. I already had a dark purple sedum growing in an old bucket. This year I added an Elderberry ‘Black Lace’ and a Switchgrass ‘Shenandoah’ to the garden. They both have reddish and purple leaves. They also are a little larger. They will add some needed color and structure to the plot. Fortunately, there don’t seem to be any pests in this garden. What I plant is not attacked by aphids or beetles. And there are no rabbits. Ehhxcellent…

Until next year, my dear cutting garden. Until next year…

In progress...



  1. Lauren

    *sigh* It’s the prettiest little garden this side of Highway 34. Thanks for making something that can survive us – it is your gift, your calling, (dare I say it) your genius.

  2. Beth Marshall

    Brad- this is lovely. You simply must come to Orlando and do our yard. I will pay for your flight and you can stay with us. Is that a fair trade?

    On another note- Y’all gotta get some Myspace profiles so you can check out my blog and comment. I got a new kitty ( her name is Pixie and see is adorable- check her out!)


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