Welcome to Brad's online memory archives.


We’re all at a conference today. It’s called the East Coast Lutheran Educators Conference. We spent last night in Hershy, Pennsylvania. We’ll be here all of today, then leave tomorrow morning. In spite of their shortcomings, I like these events for several reasons:

1. It’s a break from the routine.
2. I can hang out with my co-workers and get to know them better.
3. I LOVE staying in hotels.
4. We’re in Hershey, Pennsylvania!!
5. There are sometimes some workshops that have something sort of useful.
6. I LOVE staying in hotels.
7. Being a product of the system, I like seeing that there are others like me.
8. The banquet time usually has good food.
9. The hot tub.
10. I LOVE staying in hotels.

I posted this from home, so unless I have access to a computer at the hotel somehow, a picture of my schedule for today will just have to do.

Dance? Starting at 9? That's my BEDTIME!

UPDATE: I am able to access a computer here at the convention center. It’s only $3.50 for fifteen minutes! Cheap! Anyway, I forgot a bunch of things when I was packing. One of the things was my electric razor. I shaved with a blade for the first time in years and years. I’m only bleeding a little.


  1. Lloyd

    The baby shower for Lori, Gary and Luke Werner, is that a group marriage, a line marriage or some other more exotic configuration? Perhaps a simple partnership ala Paint your Wagon?

    You guys do some strange things on the East coast.

  2. Lauren

    What is that second picture? A waterdrop?

    Load up on chocolate while you’re there, and take some pictures! I hope you have a chocolate sculpture of something – like a chocolate razor.

  3. Brad

    Whew! Resizing the picture took five tries! Stupid unfamiliar picture software…

  4. Beth

    But doesn’t your face feel smoother than it has in YEARS? There’s no comparison to a blade shaven man’s smooth face…except maybe blade shaven women’s legs…

  5. Beth Marshall

    Just the phrase- “a product of the system” makes me want to protest something 🙂

    I never think of you as a “product of the system” but rather the eclectic one that walks the fringe of the system and challenges boundaries within. (in your own unique way)

    Glad you are enjoying the perks of the conference because as you politely state above with your review of the workshops offered- you already got it going on! (wink)

    Much love~

  6. Lauren

    Good grief. I just looked at your schedule up close. Are you ever going back to school?

  7. Peggy

    Miss you guys …. 🙂

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