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First Day Without Meds

Monday I visited the medical study doctor. I had to go in the morning because they wanted to do a fasting blood draw. I hadn’t taken my pills for the day because you’re supposed to take them with food. After the blood draw, the assistant said it was up to me whether or not I took the pills. I took them. Then she said it was up to me because I was done with the study. Wha? I guess I wasn’t keeping track of the weeks very well. I go back one more time for a follow-up, at which time the doctor said he could prescribe something for me if I wanted.

So before I get too far away from it, I wanted to describe what it was like to be on this medicine, just for my memory archive. It did suppress my appetite and it did keep me from falling asleep all the time, so that part of the study was successful. But I didn’t like how it made me feel otherwise. My neck and back ached because they were tensed all the time, and my eyes were “jiggly”. I felt jittery most of the time, and didn’t feel rested even after a night of sleep. At the higher dose, I had extreme attention deficit problems.

Yesterday was my first day without the medicine, and wouldn’t you know it, we had a meeting after school. I promptly fell asleep, to the amusement of all in the room. Good thing, too, because it was a serious meeting. Hopefully I won’t be fired for sleeping. If I am fired, I’ll let you know.

Full of crazy chemical alertness!


  1. Karla

    Is the study medicine the only medicine you could take? What about trying something else?

  2. Lauren

    Sounds like you could make some of that medicine with a large lunch, a jug of coffee, a heavy backpack, a strobe light, and a lumpy mattress. At least your symptoms would be the same.

  3. Michele

    For the record – I wasn’t laughing at you!
    BUT, I knew that trying to keep you awake would not work – been there, done that!

    • Michele

      Brad – did you see the Superbowl commercial dedicated to you? It was a commercial with people falling asleep at inconvenient times and in inconvenient places – it was hysterical! Good job Pepsi Max!

  4. Beth

    So, what’s your next diet plan? Heh.

  5. Peggy

    I didn’t notice a thing at the meeting. I did wonder why the person next to me whispered “The rain in Spain falls mainly on the plain. Pass it on,” in my ear though.

    Then Kim explained that the correct “message” going around was: “The Brad is plainly asleep again in his chair.”

    BTW: I think you need to find a new partner to sit with at all the meetings. I think it was cruel of Michele to let you slouch over almost in double without nudging you.
    And I did see her laugh …

  6. Deanne

    You could try getting up later than 4:30 am…

  7. Carol

    So ia this the chemical formula for the missing medicine, or an artist’s depiction of Brad sleeping at the Big Pow Wow? I think I see some “Zzz”s floating off the molecule there…no, wait, that’s an oxygen atom…

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