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Heath Hair?

So my hair isn’t looking like Alton Brown’s. I am either too chicken to do it, or my hair just won’t do what his does. I’m not sure which. I try to make it all stand straight up when I’m styling it in the morning, but by the time I’m done, it just doesn’t seem to look like Alton.

So I’m looking ahead to the future. I’m pretty sure I’ll buzz cut it again in the summer. But in the meantime, do I keep growing it out? If so, should it be long all over, or just on top? There are some pretty interesting hair styles out there. I could try the Einstein thing, though his hair isn’t quite the same as mine. All the news of Heath Ledger has put pictures of him up all over the place. His hair does look an awful lot like mine in color and texture… could I have Heath hair?

Heath with Heath hair...

...and Brad with Heath Hair.


  1. Lauren

    Ha! (Said respectfully.)

    I’ll try to e-mail Alton and see what the secret is to his hair. Food celebrities and I are always cit-chattin’.

  2. Michele

    A little warning would be nice! I had coffee in my mouth when I scrolled down to “Brad with Heath hair” – I’ve now soiled a few papers on my desk!

  3. Beth

    Please, summer. Come soon.

  4. Karla

    Would you get the tats also? I think the hair and ink go together…

    • Deanne

      I concur, get the tattoos, too.

  5. Peggy

    (hehe) Karla is right, once your hair grows past your neck (not to be confused with on your neck), the tats are a must!

    As for the Alton look … maybe “styling” the hair is the problem. His looks like he just gets up & hairsprays it as is. Try that tomorrow. Or if you decide to keep letting it grow, about this ….


    • Brad

      I don’t think I’d be allowed to wear my hair like it looks in the morning. Maybe if we had a “Crazy Hair Day” for Lutheran Schools Week or something…

  6. Brad

    Brady, a co-worker from school, is a lurker here. He sent me the link below in an email saying it might help with the Heath hair. Thanks, Brady!

    How to Get a Superstar Haircut

  7. Peggy

    How about Heath with Brad hair?

    (focus Peggy, focus dagnabit)

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