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Lesson Learned

In the back of my mind, I was kind of thinking I’d go to New York for another haircut during Spring Break. As the week wore on, it became apparent I wouldn’t be going. I certainly couldn’t wait any longer to get my hair cut, so I decided to do it here in Baltimore.

Denis has recently discovered a barber he likes. Her name is Ning. She is Filipino. Not having any other leads, I decided to go to her. I think why I like the guy in New York is that he doesn’t listen to me. He just cuts my hair the way he thinks it’ll look good. When I sat down in Ning’s chair, she said, “So we’ll just use the clippers to clean up the sides and back?” And I said, “No. Don’t take too much off.” She ended up just trimming a little with the scissors. I ended up being disappointed. I wanted to come away with something really different looking. All I got was the same thing, only neater. And it was my own stupid fault.

Next time I get my hair cut, I will say, “Give me a haircut. Do whatever you think will look good.” If nothing else, it’ll make for exciting lunchtime conversation at school.

I can hardly wait for summer, when I'll go back to a buzz cut.


  1. Lauren

    I think it looks pretty good, actually. You’ve got a good curl/swoop thing going. (But your eyes look sad.)

    • Brad

      I was melancholy yesterday because it was Friday. Spring Break is over. Today and tomorrow won’t seem like vacation any more because now it’s like any other weekend. You know what I’m talking about, don’t you? I’ve heard you describe it before.

      • Lauren

        Yes. For me it starts Friday at 4:30. “I’m just going to be coming back to work in a couple of days.” True pessimism!

  2. Kim

    You shouldn’t be disappointed-I agree with Lauren, it looks pretty good. But is that really your head? We can’t be sure; except for the remnant of the Easter disaster.


    • Brad

      Haha! I almost said something about the residual mark on my head.

      And though I’m all for responsible living, I have to say that I’m still a skeptic on anthropogenic global warming. I think the scientific evidence is still unsettled.

      • Carol

        After only recently viewing “An Inconvenient Truth” in its entirety, I then received a paperback book in the mail at school – unrequested from a source with which I am unfamiliar – [along with a DVD I have yet to view] that purports that every 1500 years or so the earth goes through these things anyway and we should stop
        taking credit” for it. I’m not through with the book yet (now I am moved to finish by Monday, though!) but will be glad to bring it in when I am finished so you will have more “data” to chew on to make your decision. (Notice how I am not declaring my own feelings here?]

      • Kim

        You really chose Wikipedia to defend your argument?

      • Kim

        Plus, we can at least agree on the point of energy conservation-can’t we?

  3. Beth

    Why wait until summer?

  4. Carol

    Geesh, for a guy and all, you sure do seem to obsess about your follicles. (Guess that’s understandable in a gender that tends to lose theirs prematurely…but I digress.) I rejoice when I can get a stylist to come anywhere NEAR what I envision, then again whenever I have time to do more than merely wash my head at regular intervals. Good hair cuts are rather rare…and I agree – yours does look good…to those on THIS side of it, at least.

  5. Brent

    I think your new haircut makes you look a little bit like this guy:


    • Michele

      Brilliant Brent!
      The old commercials bring back fond memories of my childhood and good wholesome television shows.

    • Brady G.

      Can I have back that 56 seconds of my life?

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