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Cleaning the Garden

I worked in my garden yesterday. It was glorious! I was going to clean out the area under my back porch. It was quite messy. Once I started piling trash into the back of my truck, I realized that I could do some pruning while I was at it. I clipped the deutzia, the butterfly bushes, the cherry tree, and the holly bush. I noticed after clipping the holly bush that I’m starting to make it into an informal espalier.

See how the branches are flat against the wall?

When I got all the trash and garden waste loaded into my truck, I went to the dumping site. The man there greeted me by saying “We don’t got no room.” I said, “Do you have more bins coming?” He said, “No.” (awkward silence) I didn’t know what to say next. It was 12:30 and apparently they were done for the day. He said, “Don’t go to Sisson street. They’re full, too.” (awkward silence) I was still confused. Then he said, “Your best bet is to go to the landfill.”

So I called Lloyd and got the location of the landfill. I had to drive over the crazy high Francis Scott Key bridge. I prayed that all my trash wouldn’t blow out while I was on the bridge. I found the landfill with no difficulty at all. Once I got there, the guy said, “I’m not supposed to take branches, but I’ll let you in anyway.” I guess the employees at all locations are trained to give you a hard time about some kind of imaginary rule.

The landfill is on Quarantine Road.  Fitting name, huh?

Speaking of cuts, I also cut my hair yesterday. I guess the “extra volume” shampoo has been working!

This is my first post with two categories.  I've always felt it was somehow improper.

But the most exciting news from yesterday is that my tadpoles have legs. Yay!

The little dears are growing up.


  1. Beth


    So…they pay someone to sit at the dump and tell people that they’re closed? Instead of just putting up the CLOSED sign, or locking the gate, or whatever?

    Those local taxes, hard at work again.

  2. Lauren

    I loved Eric Espalier in C.H.I.P.S. I didn’t know he had a tree style named after him.

    What would happen if you would burn those branches in your trash can ‘chiminea’?

    • Brad

      I would almost certainly be arrested and fined.

      Baltimore city can’t seem to do much about the all the drugs and the murders, but if anyone should happen to break some obscure code against parking your car after 6pm on Sundays on streets whose names start with “H”, they’re prosecuted to the fullest extent of the law.

      • Carol

        Amen, brother – preach it!

        ==she who was raised in The City with Obscure Laws but has been a County resident low these recent decades and has been pretty much left alone all that time.

    • Jill

      Ok, Lauren, I love you and you know that, but I have to set the record straight. It’s Eric Estrada. You might have been trying to be funny and everything, but I’ve loved him for too long for me to let that slide. You know how infrequently I post. It MUST be important…right? Right???

      • Lauren

        Ouch. ‘Trying’ to be funny……

        I knew. I admire that you stood up for your man!!!! 🙂

        • Jill

          I figured you knew, but I had. to. make. sure. I’m a little “attached” to my childhood crushes. Don’t even get me started on Kirk Cameron. Yikes.

        • Lauren

          Oh, I understand! Jamison Parker *sigh*, Michael J. Fox *sigh*, Peter Davison *sigh*. Sting, however, is not a childhood crush. He is a serious consideration for Second Husband.

        • Peggy

          What about Davy Jones? He’s still cute at 64 isn’t he? Dang it…I couldn’t have danced with him in 1994!


        • Brad

          It was Uhura for me.

          And Wilma Deering from Buck Rogers.

          I liked the space ladies.

        • Beth

          Boris Becker. *swoon*

        • Peggy

          What about Jan-Michael Vincent? Does anyone remember him?


        • Jill

          Yes!! My hubby LOVES Airwolf so I get stuck watching reruns with him sometimes. At least I have that guy to look at. BAD actor, though. I guess that doesn’t matter. 😉

          And I was totally in love with Davy Jones, too. Peggy, we have excellent taste.

        • Lloyd

          What?!? There’s a place where you can still watch Airwolf? I thought the next time I saw Airwolf would be in heaven.

        • Jill

          It’s on a crazy digital cable channel. I’ll get back to you…

        • Peggy

          You ‘ya go Lloyd:


        • Peggy

          I mean, Here you go Lloyd:

  3. Lloyd

    You have some nice pictures here. Except for the dump picture; you got the composition all wrong on that one. From now on, would you take my pictures for me?

    • Brad

      Would you like a picture of my head? I took about 18 of them to get one I could use.

      • Peggy

        Maybe you should have gone for 19…I didn’t see your hair at all at 1st…it really blends into the background on my computer…well, actually I was a little bummed because upon seeing that picture, I thought maybe this guy was visiting you and I was going to rush right over.


  4. Peggy

    Hey Brad–you have ‘Transformers’ in your pond…AWESOME!

    And Ijust love watching them turn into frogs…thanks for the picture…I hope you continue to follow their developement (don’t eat the legs yet, they’re not ready).

    • Carol


      Peggy, just because he know we’s a rabbit serial killer does not mean he’s going to put countless young frogs in wheelchairs to eat their legs……does it?

      Oh, dear…

  5. Deborah

    In your espalier link, there’s a pear tree to the right. I have seen that pear tree in The Cloisters in upper Manhattan. I took my class on a field trip there when we taught on Long Island. Just thought you might want to know.

  6. Carol

    Say, what’s the white sticker in your basement window in that first shot of the wild-n-crazy holly: “By order of some obscure law in the City of Baltimore, no branches ever cut from these shrubs or trees may ever be dumped at…”??

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