Welcome to Brad's online memory archives.


Yesterday I decided to get to some serious vacationing. I woke up late, then stumbled downstairs with my laptop and the book I’m reading (Hyperion by Dan Simmons). I had my flax and Carnation and settled into the couch for a read. I hadn’t showered yet. While I was reading, Lauren announced she would take a shower.

After a couple hours, I took a mid-morning nap. It was nice. Shortly after I woke up, Lloyd announced that he would take a shower. I continued to read my book, stopping every once in a while to surf the internet or eat some junk.

Another few hours passed. Beth, Tara, and Tim came over. We hung out for a while. Harold came over and we had dinner. It was nice. After dinner, the Pesters headed home. Lauren burnt some stuff in the fire pit. I went up to bed and read some more. Then I slept.

And that’s what I call relaxation.

My location for most of the day.


  1. Beth

    So…no shower, huh?

    • Michele

      I guess NOW you know what that funky smell was that you couldn’t quite put your finger on during dinner!

  2. Lauren

    Let’s hear it for doing nothing!!! Woo-hoo!!!!

    Once again, I believe we will make excellent retired people.

    • Carol

      I dunno, Lauren. I just spent five days with two nearly-80-year-old retired folks in the woods of the Pacific Northwest. Outside of going to bed around 9 a.m. and still rising with the chickens most mornings, they’re not necessarily relaxing – drive here, see this, take pictures of that, print photos for food raiser for children’s programs in area, yadda, yadda. I think Brad should be their poster child, though – they could learn something about real relaxation from him, I think.

    • Peggy

      I second that Woo-Hoo for doing nothing!! I miss doing nothing.

      I hope you get to do more of nothing…but maybe shower today so you don’t send people home right after dinner & others outside to burn stuff.

  3. Deborah

    I start each day with my flask, too.

    • Peggy


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