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Free Fixation

I continue to go to the free section of Craigslist every day. I am no longer looking for a piece of granite countertop, but you never know what might be listed there.

On Saturday, I saw a couple of 4ft by 8ft white boards listed. I was excited because my co-worker Kayla had said that she really wanted white boards instead of chalk boards along one of her walls. The ad said these were high quality magnetic white boards that had originally been at Johns Hopkins university. Cool!

Denis was in town, so I got his help to load them in my truck and unload them at school. I’m not sure how they’ll get hung on the wall. I may need to be involved in that to make it happen.

They're in a store room for now.

They’re in a store room for now.

I’m getting stuff for my school for free! I feel like Lloyd!


  1. Lauren

    Hooray!! You are living the dream!! Those are some pretty darn gorgeous white boards. Put a cleat along the wall at the bottom and you’re golden for getting them hung.

    I have been scouring Craigslist for deals, too. Have you happened to see any ads for free money? I’ll come get it.

    • Carol

      “…ads for free money” – HA!

      …yea…so…let us know, will you?


      Oh, and great white boards! Bet they don’t have gashes somewhere on them like some of ours do due to later workmen not giving a hoot about what fell against them as they were installing other things. Grrrrr…

  2. Deborah

    Well done!

  3. Lloyd

    I had to pay $10 each for my last 3 white boards.

  4. Debbie Fettig

    FREE stuff on Craigs List??????????????? I didn’t know…………gotta go…….

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