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Repairing the Porch, Day Eleven

Yesterday I did a decent amount of work on the porch, so I can call it Day Eleven. Denis and Karl also worked on it. I’m so blessed to have knowledgeable and talented help. I would have cobbled the new floor together with crazy angles and weird shortcuts. Instead, I’m going to have a flat, straight, beautiful new floor.

Yesterday we fastened some boards to the joists. Karl had the master plan, and Denis had an eye for spacing. We put spacers in on one end of each board and screwed it down, then went to the other end. The spacers were made of MDF, or medium density fiberboard. It’s exactly one quarter inch thick. We didn’t put very many of the screws all the way down, because we wondered if we’d need to do any adjusting. I can only remember two times we backed the screw out and re-set the board.

Having a hammer drill has been awesome.  I highly recommend owning one.

Having a hammer drill has been awesome. I highly recommend owning one.

Putting the boards along the house was easy, but out by the edge of the porch, we had to cut around some obstacles. Denis did some excellent work with the jigsaw to fit boards around the railing posts.

After getting everything in place, we'll run a circular saw along the edge to cut a beautiful straight line.

After getting everything in place, we’ll run a circular saw along the edge to cut a beautiful straight line.

We stopped after getting the boards in place. Lots of screws are sticking up and need to be countersunk, but that’ll be easy, mindless work. Probably. Most of this hasn’t been as easy as I thought.

Looking like an actual floor!

Looking like an actual floor!


  1. Beth

    Wow. That’s really beautiful. Nice.

  2. Lauren

    What a gorgeous surface! I’m so glad that Denis and Karl are helping – it’s really coming along so well. It looks shiny and new!

  3. Carol

    Seems this summer’s learning curve is as much about how to take advantage of the skill sets of friends and neighbors as it is carpentry, wouldn’t you say? This looks superb – may you have eons of porch-sitting pleasure from your efforts.

  4. Deborah

    That is beautiful!

  5. Bev Greunke

    Looks GREAT!! 🙂

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