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Eating and Shopping

Yesterday I did things that I like Los Angeles for… going to restaurants, and shopping.

The restaurant I went to wasn’t particularly special, but the sandwich I ate was – I went to Popeye’s for a chicken sandwich. I have heard all about these sandwiches on the internet, but never tasted one. Yesterday I did.

It was good. It was crispy and chickeny. I think I like the flavor of Chick-fil-A better, but I see why these are so popular.

The shopping I did was at a Goodwill store and a used book store. I got some Goosebumps books for classroom bookshelf, and I got a metal stand thingy. The metal thing was impulsive and will maybe just end up being another piece of junk at my house, but it looks like it was made to hold something… something amazing. Maybe I will find an amazing thing to put on it, and then I will be happy I have it.


  1. Lauren

    Put an oil lamp on it and now you are prepared for all disasters. You’re welcome.

    You found the Goosebumps books! Take that, theiving kid.

  2. Deborah

    That looks like some sort of trivet. Maybe for a coffee pot? But it would make a great plant stand.

  3. Debbie

    I love the metal standy thing! I’m drawn to things like that too. Yes, a pretty potted plant, loose change, mini kitchen fire pit for roasting marshmallows?

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